Aspiring Deputy Heads

13 – 14 May 2025 Leadership Woodland Grange, Old Milverton Lane, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 6RN

A Deputy Head is the key figure in ensuring the smooth running of the school, often bridging the gap between the Headteacher's strategic vision and the daily practicalities of school life. A successful Deputy Head can make a school run with clear strategy and ensure staff wellbeing.

This residential course is designed for those staff aspiring to Deputy Headship, and possibly beyond. Understanding and hearing first-hand about the differences between the varying roles of a Deputy Head, such as those with responsibility for procedures and operations as well as the role with responsibility for teaching and learning will be covered in detail, in addition to considering one’s own values and the ever-increasing importance of managing personal, staff and pupil wellbeing and mental health. Delegates will have the chance to improve their skills and knowledge around strategic planning and managing staff development. There will be practical opportunities as well as a wealth of experienced presenters with an important focus on gaining invaluable advice from a highly acclaimed recruitment consultancy.

The programme has been carefully designed to help prepare staff from IAPS member schools who are looking to move into Deputy Head roles as the next phase of their career. Accommodation on Tuesday 13 May and meals on both days are included in the ticket price.

Programme (subject to change)