NACE: Developing independence for high attainment in mixed ability classrooms
This course will explore how developing independence in all learners can lead to effective teaching in mixed ability classrooms. The research basis for why independence is desirable will be explored, including reference to NACE research into how to ensure challenge in the classroom. Independence does not just happen, it needs to planned for, taught, and praised. This session will reference key teaching techniques to develop independence, with practical examples drawn for several schools across all phases and many subjects. The link will also be made to wider learner attitudes and the importance of metacognition and self-regulation in embedding independence. Attendees will go away from the session with practical activities and classroom organisation techniques that they can immediately apply to their teaching. The session will be lively, interactive and a provide a chance to share ideas of what works well.
- The theory behind developing independence
- Practical teaching strategies for developing independence
- Practical classroom tasks to develop independence
(Programme subject to change)
Online course etiquette