NACE: How can assessment and feedback promote cognitive challenge for all learners?
This course will share the new research by NACE on the role of assessment in developing cognitive challenge. It will explore what effective assessment looks like and how it can inform planning and task design that encourages thinking. The session will draw upon practical examples from NACE award winning schools from all phases. Feedback will be considered in depth regarding effective real-time in-class feedback and how this can be adapted for attainers to further stretch them in their learning. The role of effective questioning will be referenced, again with practical examples of questioning that promotes cognitive challenge. Reference will also be made to the importance of developing independent learners. Teachers will leave with a deeper understanding of how rethinking assessment can lead to developing a ‘teach to the top’ mentality and a classroom culture that challenges all learners, including stretching the more able.
(Programme subject to change)
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