SEND: Neurodiversity and executive function in mainstream schools

17 March 2025 9.15am – 4pm Subject Leonardo London Tower Bridge, E1 8GP

A day to study neurodivergent profiles such as autism and ADHD, executive function skills and general SENCO practice within the independent sector. This full day course will allow participants to increase their knowledge and understanding of how best to support pupils with neurodivergent profiles in school by creating neuro-inclusive classrooms. Delegates will explore five high-quality teaching principles to enhance executive functions, crucial for all students especially those with diverse neurodevelopmental profiles. During the afternoon we will explore how to work effectively in partnership with parents, including how to manage challenging conversations sensitively and positively. There will also be time for professional networking focused on SEND provision, reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act, EHCPs and general SENCO practice within the independent school sector.

(Programme subject to change)