As part of membership, IAPS Heads become part of a network of fellow Heads located in the same geographical area as their own school, offering peer support, professional development and social events. Above all, Districts offer an opportunity for members to share experience and seek advice and guidance on specific issues of relevance to them.

District meetings are held once a term and provide a two-way flow of information direct to and from the IAPS Board, where issues raised, discussion points and requests for specific support are reported.

There are 17 Districts in total, and contact details for the District Representative (DR) for each are listed below:

  • 1N  London North: Gareth Davies, Gayhurst School - 01753 882690
  • 1S London South: Dan Jameson, Garden House Boys' School - 020 7730 6652
  • 2   Kent: Emma Neville, Rose HIll School - 01892 525591
  • 3   Sussex: Martin Barker, Westbourne House - 01243 782739
  • 4   West: Jim Walton, Clifton College Preparatory School - 0117 315 7502
  • 5   Wessex: Sally Moulton, Salisbury Cathedral School - 01722 555300
  • 6   Midlands: Matthew Draper, Mayfield Preparatory School - 01922 624107
  • 7   North West: Christabel Westall, Terra Nova - 01477 571251
  • 8   York: Bill Sawyer, Yarm Preparatory School - 01642 781447
  • 9   East Anglia: Ian Silk, Bedford Prep School - 01234 362274
  • 10 Oxford and Reading: Ben Beardmore-Gray, Moulsford Prep School - 01491 651438
  • 11  Scotland and Northern Ireland: Liam Harvey, St Mary's Preparatory School - 01896 822517
  • 12 Surrey: Andy Boyle, Barfield School - 01252 782271
  • Europe: Joe Eyles, Park Lane International Primary School - 00 420 220 512653
  • Kenya: Sally Weston, Kenton College Prep School - 00 254 722 205038
  • Middle East: Tammy Naidoo, British International School, Al Khobar - +966 920 003667
  • Overseas: Paula Craigie, Tanglin Trust Infants School - 00 65 6770 3105

Each District also has serving Heads in the following positions:

  • Chair
  • Secretary
  • Professional Development Co-ordinator
  • Sports representative
  • PPEYG representative/s
  • Retired members representative/s

District meeting dates for the 2024-25 academic year can be found here and a list of member schools by District can be accessed here