30 Aug 2023

Carys Tamilarasan’s passion for the game has been recognised by the England Football Association.

Prestfelde’s Carys is awarded with national ‘Let Girls Play’ Award by England FA.

Lobbying the school for change then successfully pushing through a campaign for more football for girls with the new Head, Carys Tamilarasan’s passion for the game has been recognised by the England Football Association.

Nominated by her PE Teacher for a ‘Let Girls Play’ Award, Carys and Prestfelde School, were delighted when they heard that her story had been heard and selected as a winning entry to the national competition.

The ‘Let Girls Play’ Awards recognise inspired individuals, the game changers, the unstoppable forces who never stop in creating opportunities for girls to play wherever, whenever they like and that certainly has been the case for Carys at Prestfelde.

Creating petitions, writing letters and appealing directly to her teachers and the Head at Prestfelde School in Shrewsbury, Carys initiated a shift in the Girls Sports Curriculum at the School. Her dedication to change saw the launching of football for girls at Prestfelde earlier on this year, with Carys and her PE Teachers welcoming inspirational female Footballers to the School to coach and encourage more of the girls to get into the sport. Now a permanent fixture within the Girls Sports Curriculum, Carys’ determination to open the sport up to everyone, all of the time, has had a fundamental affect.

Proud of Carys’ achievements, Nick Robinson, Head at Prestfelde comments:

“An inspiration to her friends and the younger pupils in the School, Carys has shown them all that perseverance and determination really can create change no matter what your age. We are proud of Carys for seeing through her ambition to bring more football to Prestfelde; her hard work has opened up more opportunities for girls to play and compete in football at the School and this is a legacy that Carys leaves behind as she starts Senior School in September. Fantastic work.”

Carys was visited by the England Football Association this summer and presented with her Award in front of her teammates and teachers.

“I am so happy that I have been able to bring the opportunity for more football to the girls at Prestfelde. Football is a passion of mine; I love playing it and I wanted to be able to play much more of it at school. I’ve achieved what I set out to do and am now so happy that everyone will benefit from what I began. I look forward to watching Prestfelde’s girls football teams grow and go on to smash the competition!” says Carys.

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