iTrust supports access to an excellent education. Its broad aim is to support the education of children and their teachers. The work of iTrust is supported by donations from IAPS and our member schools, as well as funds provided.
- Guidance notes for IAPS member schools
- Guidance notes for parents
- Further details on itrust and how to apply
Schools Access Scheme
The Schools Access Scheme (SAS) is designed to allow children from families that would not normally have the resources to pay for an IAPS school education the opportunity to benefit from the start in life such an education provides. Applications must be made through an IAPS member school.
You can download guidance notes for Heads and Bursars or view case studies of previous beneficiaries. For further information and advice and for an application form, please contact the grants secretary.
Benevolent awards
iTrust can provide financial support for children of members or deceased members of the teaching profession to continue their education in IAPS schools or in independent senior schools (where their family's financial circumstances would otherwise prevent them from doing so).
We can also make awards to relieve the hardship of members, retired members of IAPS or former members of the teaching profession and their families. Such awards are made following a needs assessment.
Small grants may be made to individuals (which may include grants to pupils or to their school, providing teacher training or grants to teachers to enable them to conduct research). itrust does not support gap year students.
For further information, please email Tim Wheeler, iTrust grants secretary.
Other awards
iTrust makes a small number of awards, usually up to a maximum amount of £2,500 per year per pupil. Priority is given to pupils who have already started their education in independent schools and whose family's financial circumstances have changed. Most awards are for one year only to provide temporary support in a time of need or to allow a child to reach a natural break point in their education.
The support of the school is essential and all awards are subject to an annual needs assessment review. The closing date for completed application forms is usually 30 April each year; however, it is worth asking throughout the year.
For further information and advice on these awards and for an application form, please contact the grants secretary. You can also view cases of previous beneficiaries.
Children hoping to take part in a junior choral course can apply to iTrust for a grant. Separately, the Harrison Memorial Fund awards grants to children aged between 8 and 13 who need financial support to attend residential music courses in the UK (including those organised by the National Schools Symphony Orchestra, the National Preparatory School Orchestras and Junior Choral courses).
For further information on music grants and awards, please download an application form or contact the Harrison Memorial Fund secretary.
Please also read some comments from iTrust-funded pupils who have benefited.