SEND: Specific learning difficulties within mainstream schools
This comprehensive day will ensure attendees are up to date with the latest thinking and research on dyslexia, including a focus on how to use morphology alongside more traditional phonics interventions to improve reading and spelling. This session will be delivered by Louise Selby, a dyslexia expert and author of the ‘Morph Mastery’ intervention programme. The second session will allow attendees to experience using the latest accessibility features built into mainstream platforms such as Microsoft and Google and consider how these can be used in intervention sessions and in mainstream classrooms. This will be delivered by Lex Lang, one of the IAPS Digital Innovation Specialist Advisors. The afternoon will be presented by Dr Katharine Sharpe, the IAPS SEND Advisor who is a Head of Learning Support as well as a Chartered Educational Psychologist. She will present a range of different assessment approaches and tools which can be used by colleagues with and without specialist assessment qualifications. We will consider how to use assessment and data effectively to understand a learner’s profile, advise on classroom strategies and to develop effective programmes of intervention.
(Programme subject to change)